Room Description

  • Standard Room

    This single occupancy room is double bedded and maintained with modern amenities such as a color television, a telephone with direct dial facility and room service are available to the guests at all times.null

  • Deluxe Room

    This doube occupancy room is double bedded and maintained with modern amenities such as a color television, a telephone with direct dial facility and room service are available to the guests at all times.null

  • Suite

    Centrally air-conditioned, this room is designed with exquisite interiors and maintained with aesthetic furnitures that include a king-size bed, a wardrobe, a dining table with chairs and a sofa set. Modern amenities such as a color television, a telephone with direct dial facility and room service are available to the guests at all times.

  • Executive

    The stay is in a double bedded room maintained with modern amenities such as a color television, a telephone with direct dial facility and room service, which are available to the guests at all times.null

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