As situated in South India it has rare geographical features. The climate that Pondicherry receives is tropical wet and dry similar to Tamil Nadu. The average temperature of affable and lets souls explore the city.


Summer is quiet sunny and the temperature reaches its peak after noon. The temperature ranges between 35 to 40°C. Tourists planning their visit in summer are suggested to wear cotton clothes and carry sun lotion & eye gears. The temperature falls down as sun sets and gives pleasant ambiance to roam hassle free. It commences from March extending till July.


Winter is cordial as it spreads breeze of bliss dragging souls to step out from their shelter. The lowest temperature is marked in winter from 20 to 25°C. Light woolen clothes are to be carried in this season. Winter begins from December till February.


The average temperature of monsoon is between 25 to 30°C. The climate is mild otherwise but one can expect torrential rainfall anytime. The perfect time to enjoy rain is July to September. As situated on eastern coastal it also receives rainfall in the months from November to January.

It is recommended to visit Pondicherry is from October to March which is ideal for tourists from all over the world.

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