Located at a walkable distance from the beach in Pondicherry, Repose Comfort Inn endows a sense of serenity and tranquility to its guests. The property is situated in a prime locality and offers delicately furnished rooms for accommodation. Guests can avail some other services like ATM banking, a desk which provides 24 hr assistance, free parking, laundry facility, medical services, backup generator to ensure uninterrupted services and a travel counter to help tour the place.

Address: Repose Comfort Inn
No.25 , Muthumariyamman Kovil Street, Behind Icici Bank Main Branch , , Aalamarathu Street, Pondicherry, Pondicherry, India, Pin-605001
Aalamarathu Street, Pondicherry
Check-in time : 24 hr check-in policy
Check-out time :12:00 NOON
Pondicherry hotels
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